Monday 2 December 2013

Piles and Basic Understanding of the disease

What are Piles?

Piles (or hemorrhoids) are also known as piles. Although they can be extremely unpleasant and painful for many people, they can be easily treated and more often prevented. As hemorrhoids generally get worse as time goes by, health care professionals say they should be treated as soon as they appear.

At least four-fifths of adults in Europe and North America will experience hemorrhoids at some point in their lives. Doctors say a large number of people who go and have a checkup are found to have hemorrhoids.

The older you are the more likely you are to suffer from hemorrhoids. This does not mean, however, that young people and children do not get them. Hemorrhoids are much more common among men than women. A woman is most likely to get them when she is pregnant.The Best Treatment for Hemorrhoids is Naturall Treatment once the causes and symptoms of Hemorrhoids become evident.

What Causes Hemorrhoids?

When the veins around the anus or in the rectum are swollen or inflamed the patient has hemorrhoids.

They can occur for the following reasons:

• pregnancy

• aging

• chronic diarrhea

• chronic constipation

• straining to move stool (related to the previous one)

• sitting for long periods (especially sitting for long periods at a time in the toilet)

• anal intercourse

• obesity

• genetics - some people inherit a tendency to develop hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids can occur both inside and above the inside of the anus. They can also appear externally, under the skin of the anus.

Types Of Hemorrhoids:

The list of types of Hemorrhoids mentioned in various sources includes:

• Internal hemorrhoid - when they remain inside the rectum.

• External hemorrhoid - when they protrude out the anus.

• Protruding hemorrhoid

• Pregnancy-related hemorrhoids

Symptoms of Hemorrhoids:

• bleeding, usually painless. The patient may notice red on the toilet paper or in the toilet bowl.

• itching and/or irritation in the anal area

• discomfort and pain in the anal region

• lumps protruding from the anal region

• swelling in the anal region

• a lump near your anus, this can sometimes be sensitive (painful)

• feces may leak (without your wanting it to happen)

Internal hemorrhoids, which lie inside the rectum, usually have no symptoms; the patient is not aware of them as they do not generally cause any discomfort. However,straining when passing a stool may cause them to bleed. Straining can also push an internal hemorrhoid so that it protrudes through the anus this is called a protruding or prolapsed hemorrhoid and can be painful.

When a patient has external hemorrhoids they will lie under the skin around the anus.They can become very itchy and may bleed. Sometimes the blood may accumulate and form a thrombus (clot), which can be painful the area will swell and become inflamed.

When a patient has External Hemorrhoids  they will lie under the skin around the anus.They can become very itchy and may bleed. Sometimes the blood may accumulate and form a thrombus (clot), which can be painful the area will swell and become inflamed.

You can see this video:


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